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Knowledgebase: General Networking
How to disable the Windows Firewall service
Posted by Adrien de Croy (Import) on 30 March 2009 06:12 PM
Turning off the firewall from the Control Panel/Windows Firewall Application is not enough to ensure that the firewall stays disabled. Windows is able to turn the firewall back on without prompting you first, so you may find the firewall becomes reenabled from time to time and starts blocking internet traffic from your clients. In order to ensure that the Windows Firewall is turned of and remains off, it's best to disable the Windows Firewall service. 1. Open the 'Run...' prompt from your Start menu 2. Type 'services.msc' into the Run prompt and click 'OK' 3. Find and double-click on 'Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)' from the list of services 4. Change the services 'Startup type:' to 'Disabled' 5. Click 'Stop' 6. Click 'OK' The Windows Firewall is now permanently disabled, and can not be silently restarted by Windows without your knowledge. | |
Comments (1)
kran mostovoy
31 July 2011 03:47 AM
Great information. It's really useful. Thanks