Knowledgebase: WinGate 6
Changing the KAV Database from Extended to Normal
Posted by Adrien de Croy (Import) on 24 January 2007 08:00 PM

Kaspersky AntiVirus for WinGate now uses an Extended AntiVirus database. This is new for version 2.x. The Extended database still scans for viruses but now also scans for other programs which are potentially harmful, such as:
  • Adware.
  • Remote administration programs.
  • Utilities which can be used by malicious programs or users such as trojans.
  • General Malware

If you do not wish to use the Extended Database you can revert to the Standard AntiVirus database as follows:

  1. Stop the WinGate engine
  2. Open regedit, navigate to the following location
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Qbik Software\WinGate\Data Scanning Plugins\Installed\Kaspersky AntiVirus for WinGate\Update URL List
  3. For each UpdateServer folder delete the "_ext" from the end of the URL key:
  4. Close regedit
  5. In Windows Explorer delete the following folders:
    • C:\Program Files\WinGate\Plugins\Kaspersky AntiVirus\Bases
    • C:\Program Files\WinGate\Plugins\Kaspersky AntiVirus\Downloads
  6. Start the WinGate Engine
  7. Start a manual update via the Start menu
    (Windows) Start menu --> Programs --> WinGate --> Plugins --> Kaspersky AntiVirus --> Kaspersky AntiVirus Updater
  8. Once the update is complete stop then start the WinGate Engine.

If you have any questions about this article please contact Qbik Support.

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Comments (1)
Ruth Sewing
14 August 2011 10:17 PM
This post is very useful for me, much appreciated! :)